
working harder

I've been feeling like an octopus lately but it is definately a good thing as much as i may complain about it. so on my list of things to do is:
~ complete my first grouping of self promotional samplers and mail out
~ get my website in gear and up whiloe at the same time teach myself how do do web design, this is where i wish my husband(apple employee/ computer artist/ media guru) could have the time to tutor me.
~ start the designs for my wallpaper book line
~ 2 logos
~ finding and mailing out a piece for an art showing out of state (and out of mind)
~ i'll be prepping for 1 blessing book and possibly 1 memory book (these are handmade and bound from scratch)
~ Make time to breathe

So in the midst of all this stressing and juggling, i always seem to find myself something to inspire and motivate me. Eleanor Grosch is "the catch of the day"...to say the least.
El's work is so clean and simple but her shapes and lines are extremely intense. Her prints are so cleverly composed, it makes you wonder where she gets her inspiration from. maybe she'll tell me someday! hah!

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